
Dave Stevens Bulldog Enamel Pin

Okkto has released a new, officially licensed collectibles based on Dave Stevens's beautiful art. The "Bulldog" hard enamel pin is based on Dave's iconic Bulldog Studios logo, and features UV printing to capture all the details.

  • 1.5"
  • Dual-plated Silver and Gold
  • Hard Enamel
  • UV Printing

For more information, please visit https://okkto.com/collections/the-rocketeer/products/dave-stevens-bulldog-enamel-pin


New Rocketeer auctions art

The Rocketeer auctions for the SF Cartoon Art Museum continues with new art by Ryan Sook, Derf Backderf, Christian Meesey, Gareth Monger, and Roy Chang!

The auction will support the Cartoon Art Museum's public programs and exhibitions, and twenty percent of the proceeds will be donated to The Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation in honor of Dave Stevens.

For more information, please visit: https://www.ebay.com/usr/cartoonartmuseum


The Rocketeer Auctions

The Rocketeer auctions are live for the SF Cartoon Art Museum! The first four are by Bill Morrison, Keith Harrop, Michael Jantze and Jamie Cosley!

The auction will support the Cartoon Art Museum's public programs and exhibitions, and twenty percent of the proceeds will be donated to The Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation in honor of Dave Stevens.

For more information, please visit: https://www.ebay.com/usr/cartoonartmuseum


New Rocketeer pin, magnet and sticker!

Little Shop of Pins has announced a new Rocketeer pin, magnet and sticker. If you preorder thir new pin, you'll receive a free sticker. If you preorder the pin AND purchase the magnet, you'll save 20% off both AND still get the free sticker. Not a pin or magnet person? It's ok, the sticker will also be available for purchase. This preorder offer window closes Sunday, March 5 at midnight.

For more information, please visit https://littleshopofpins.com/blogs/news/betty-and-the-rocketeer-preorder-details


The Rocketeer Collectible Coin

American Hero Collectibles announces the first full color The Rocketeer Collectible Coin. Three deluxe editions of the coin are being offered on Kickstarter. Classic artwork by The Rocketeer's creator, Dave Stevens is being preserved in full color on a new collectible coin package from American Hero Collectibles. Officially licensed by The Rocketeer Trust, the coin is directly reproduced from Dave's updated original art.

For more information please visit: https://kickstarter.com/projects/rocketeercoin/dave-stevens-the-rocketeer-collector-coin