Das Turbogeile Gummiboot (Cover B) Mediabook
The movie "Das Turbogeile Gummiboot/Up the Creek (1984)" with cover art by Dave Stevens. The mediabook includes:
- Blu-ray
- Booklet written by Mike Blankenburg
Limited to 333 copies.
Disc information:
Language / Sound: BD: DE & ENG - DTS HD MA 2.0 | DVD: DE & ENG DD 2.0
Subtitle: German
Image: 16: 9 (1.78: 1)
Running time: BD: approx. 96 min. | DVD: approx. 92 min.
FSK: 12
- Trailer
- Music video
Available from Nameless Media
Das Turbogeile Gummiboot (Cover C) Retro Mediabook
Collector's edition of the movie "Das Turbogeile Gummiboot/Up the Creek (1984)" with cover art by Dave Stevens. The mediabook includes:
- Blu-ray
- Booklet written by Mike Blankenburg
Limited to 333 copies.
Disc information:
Language / Sound: BD: DE & ENG - DTS HD MA 2.0 | DVD: DE & ENG DD 2.0
Subtitle: German
Image: 16: 9 (1.78: 1)
Running time: BD: approx. 96 min. | DVD: approx. 92 min.
FSK: 12
- Trailer
- Music video
Available from Nameless Media